A Postman (একজন পিয়ন) Paragraph for Class 6, 7, 8, 9

 A Post Man (একজন পিয়ন)

A postman is a person who delivers letters, parcels, money orders and other postal articles to us. He is a very familiar figure to the people. He wears a khaki dress and a turban on his head. He carries a bag containing letters, parcels, money orders and other postal articles. He brings good news and sometimes ill. A postman has a particular area to do his duty. He goes from one house to another to deliver postal items. He discharges his duties very sincerely. His daily duty begins in the post office. There he sorts postal items. Then he goes to his particular area. In case of delivering money orders, parcels and registered letters, he takes signature of the receivers. He goes from house to house even in fair or foul weather. He has to walk a long distance to discharge his duty. Sometimes he goes to his beat by riding a bi-cycle. Though he renders great service to the society, he gets very poor salary. So most often he leads a very poor life. Considering his great service he should be given good salary.

আরো প্যারাগ্রাফ পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো

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